Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Great Bathroom Adventure - episode 4

Bathroom flooring day finally arrives, on schedule, and a layer of red stuff now covers the rather messy bare timber floor. It is waterproof, tough and non slip, contrasting with the walls and adding a splash of warmth to this room. A quick call is made to Malcolm, our plumber, for him to come and finish off, to install the toilet, a sink, and a new radiator and several days later he arrives, spanners in hand. 

The final result is worth the wait, lots of contrast between the pale colours on the walls and the black furniture. And yes, that's a blue whale providing some marine interest.
Or to put it another way, here's the before and after...

So this is the first of our planned room-sized projects done and dusted. Others will follow, some big, some more cosmetic but an end is nowhere in sight. What it does mean is that our focus can shift elsewhere, outdoors even, where unexpected things are happening.

With the lengthening days, surprises are appearing in our garden. 
From beneathour mossy grass things hidden underground are emerging in large numbers, green at first,  and then these begin to acquire yellow buds which soon open into flowers. Daffodils have always been predictors of spring and now we know that the bulbs are there we will always look forward to seeing them emerge from the sloping plain that is our garden. It is also nice to think that such beauty came free with the house, so we're not complaining.

Less attractive, however, is the continuing discovery of rubbish thrown away by previous inhabitants of our house and now also appearing from beneath our back garden as we dig about. This reflects an attitude that is beyond our understanding.

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